CRC India


CRC India

Communication Resource Centre

Expertise in development work and communication.

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@ CRC, India

If you have a message, we will help you get the word out.
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Communication Resource Centre aims at building knowledge of citizens on social issues cutting across Education , Food Rights, Governance, Health and Climate change

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@ CRC, India

Capturing those kodak moments, be it real or reel. We are expertised in Video Production
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We are looking forward to serve your video production needs

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@ CRC, India

Lens into the lives of unreached, unheard. Giving voice to the voiceless
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We go that extra mile to give those details which are ignored for many reasons

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@ CRC, India

Capacity building by facilitating trainings and workshops inside and outside the country.
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Leadership at CRC, encourages everyone to develop the leadership skills. Bridging and building the knowledge gap for the generations to come.

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Reaching the unreached

through Development Support Communication

Communication Resource Centre (CRC) is an India-based organization with significant experience and expertise in development work and communication. At CRC, we strongly believe in the immense power of effective communication in bringing about behavioral and social change, and impact.

What are we known for

Since the inception


Since May 5, 2012 — Communication Resource Centre

Camaraderie: At CRC, we believe in the teamwork, therefore at every phase and size of the project, we lay emphasize on the teamwork and encourage team players to innovate solutions that create long-lasting impact on the society.


Since 2012 — Communication Resource Centre

Experience: CRC bags an enormous experience in the domain of Development Communication. With an impeccable record of works across the globe, we give that personal touch to every project irrespective of its length and breadth.


May 2012 - Present — Communication Resource Centre

Visionary: Leadership at CRC goes beyond the immediate needs of the project and foresee its after effects. This way, we will have a close reading of the project and thus improve our approach to achieve defined project outcomes.

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