Johns Hopkins University, USA – JHPIEGO Corporation (partner since 2013) – E-learning modules on covid response for community health officers
Columbia University, USA – HITLABS Innovations – IIT Delhi (2017)
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK (2019) – Diabetic Retinopathy project in South Asia
Oxford University – Young Lives Study (2011)
National Law University (Cuttack) – Produced India’s first e-learning course in Law (2019)
Osmania University – Urban Action School – European Commission Project (2016-2019) – Communication partners
USAID supported projects implemented by Pathfinder International, EngenderHealth and FHI 360 India (19 projects since 2012)
UNICEF – WASH projects in Odisha (2013) and Right to Education in Chhattisgarh (2018)
Bernard van Leer Foundation- Early Childhood Education project – Communication partners (2015-2019)
ActionAid Vietnam- International study on Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Vietnam 2015 – produced documentary as evidence to supplement research outcomes
CRC executed multiple productions for Save the Children, Plan India, ActionAid, GIZ Germany, Islamic Relief, Canada, CARE India, Catholic Relief Services, Aide et Action, South Asia and more.
Bayer Crop Science (CSR Projects- 2014, 2016, 2018)
BASF Germany Agricultural Multi-National company – 2019
HIDDIME – Software company on AI product
Ricoh Inc., Japan for CSR education project (2013)
IKEA Foundation Sweden – Save the Children, Child Labor Project in Punjab & Haryana (2018)
Impact evaluation of agriculture project – Displacement of tribes in Gambella region of Ethiopia in 2011 for AgSri
Evaluation of Swach Pilot Project in Koraput for UNICEF Odisha (2013)
Evaluation of livelihoods for internally displaced people – Chhattisgarh funded by European Commission project implemented by Save the Children (2013)
Manuals for Plan India on child protection under ICPS (2017)
Dossier for Engender Health on Project Activities in 2017
Edited International publication “More Rice for People, More Water for Planet” for AfriCare, Oxfam America and WWF International.
Reports on Inclusion of Girl Children for Save the Children Andhra Pradesh
Produced India’s first manual on Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative for ICRISAT-WWF
Publications – Courage on Edge (HIV/AIDS) and Harvest to Hunger (unorganized labour) for ActionAid India
Training module on Rohingyas International refugee children for Save the Children
Process Documentation on India’s biggest Child Labor project IKEA Project for Save the Children in Punjab and Haryana (2017)
Media relations support for ActionAid, Aide et Action, Loksatta, ICRISAT-WWF project on issues of governance, human rights, education, health, livelihoods and sustainable approaches to agriculture and more.
Training of video production skills for barefoot social auditors for SSAAT (Ministry of Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh).
A six-month training on video documentation for Magic Bus UK for their front-line staff.
Supported Hyderabad Urban Lab a research organization working on building a knowledge base on cities governance in the documentation and campaign work.